Tips for traveling by caravan in winter:
Already entered in full winter we want to give you some ideas and tips practical to be prepared friends:
- Check the pressure and condition of the tires.
- Review the levels of oil, antifreeze and brake fluid.
- To have chains.
- Have tweezers drums.
- Coverage of assistance on the road for both car and caravan and mobile home.
- Review the lights vehicle. It is vitally important both to have a good visibility how to be visible under adverse weather conditions.
- The telephone mobile phone and its charger can be very helpful.
- Braking time increases so it is important to maintain distance of security.
- Mandatory stops every "x" kilometers and / or hours of driving. At the slightest sign of tiredness or sleep, stop.
- Refrigerator off.
- Empty the water tanks to avoid freezing.
- Empty the toilet.
- Lubricate exterior hinges, windows, and locks. In this way we make it difficult for them to freeze.
- Cover the head of the lance.
- Check the alternator.
- Change the windshield wipers.
These are some of the many recommendations to consider. In subsequent publications we will expand more information on this topic.
Any recommendation that we have forgotten friends? Share it in our Blog or contact with us.
You know, in winter you can enjoy the passion of Caravaning but taking precautions 😉